P. 5

and links of the production relations  and the superstructure that do not

               conform to the development of the  productive forces. We must uphold and
               improve the basic economic system, with public ownership playing a
               dominant role and diverse forms of ownership developing side by side as well

               as the system of distribution under which distribution according to work is
               dominant and a variety of modes of distribution coexist, encourage some areas

               and some people to become rich first, gradually eliminate poverty and achieve
               common prosperity, and continuously meet the people’s ever-growing material
               and cultural needs on the basis of the growth of production and social wealth.

               Development is our Party’s top priority in governing and rejuvenating the
               country. The general starting point and  criterion for judging all our work

               should be how it benefits the development of the productive forces in our
               socialist society,  adds to the overall strength  of our socialist country and
               improves the people’s living standards. The beginning of the new century

               marks China’s entry into the new stage of development of building a well-off
               society in an all-round way and accelerating socialist modernization. The
               strategic objectives of economic and social development at the new stage in

               the new century are to consolidate and develop the well-off standard of living
               initially attained, bring China into a well-off society of a higher level to the
               benefit of well over one billion people by the time of the Party’s centenary and

               bring the per capita GDP up to the level of moderately developed countries
               and realize modernization in the main by the time of the centenary of the

               People's Republic of China.
                   The basic line of the Communist Party of China at the primary stage of
               socialism is to lead the people of  all our ethnic groups in a concerted,

               self-reliant and pioneering effort to  turn China into a prosperous, strong,
               democratic and culturally advanced  modern socialist country by making

               economic development our central task while adhering to the Four Cardinal
               Principles and persevering in the reform and opening up.
                   In leading the cause of socialism, the Communist Party of China must

               persist in taking economic development as the central task, making all other

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