P. 15
We carried out institutional reforms in the business sector and introduced the
reform to separate out the business license from certificates required for starting a
business. Today, the average time it takes to register a business is less than four
working days, down from more than a month; and a simplified deregistration
system is in place for MSMEs.
While delegating power, we also improved regulation. We strengthened
ongoing and ex post oversight. We saw to it that regulatory responsibilities were
strictly fulfilled, that no regulatory vacuums were left, and that no power was
delegated at the expense of regulation. We beefed up quality and safety
supervision for food, drugs, and other key items, ensured impartial regulation by
adopting practices such as the random selection of inspectors and inspection
targets and the prompt release of results, and set standards for the exercise of
discretionary administrative powers.
We took stronger action against monopolies and unfair competition, fully
implemented the system of fair competition review, and reformed the system for
enforcing anti-monopoly laws.
We conducted regulation and provided guidance in accordance with the law
to promote the sound development of capital and took resolute, law-based moves
to prevent the blind expansion of capital.
We continued to upgrade government services and worked to provide more
one-stop services. Certification requirements were reduced, and the development
of a digital government was accelerated. Now, more than 90 percent of
government services can be accessed online; over 200 high-demand services,
including household certification and the transfer of social security accounts, can
be handled on an inter-provincial basis. All expressway toll booths on provincial
borders have been removed.
We formulated and implemented regulations on improving the business
environment, on market entity registration and administration, on promoting
development of individually owned businesses, and on ensuring payments to
These reforms have provided people seeking to go into business with greater
convenience and scope. By the end of last year, there were over 52 million
enterprises and more than 110 million self-employed individuals in China, and the
total number of market entities had surpassed the 160-million mark, three times
the figure a decade ago. As a result, the internal momentum for development has