P. 14

A  total  of  160  key  counties  were  designated  to  receive  assistance  for  rural
                revitalization  and  dedicated  support  was  provided  to  them.  We  stepped  up

                support for areas where residents relocated from inhospitable areas were resettled
                together  in  communities  as  well  as  for  other  key  areas,  and  continued  to
                implement and improve mechanisms for east-west cooperation, paired assistance,
                and targeted support.

                     We  also  sent  teams  of  medical  and  educational  personnel  as  well  as
                technicians  to  provide  assistance  to  previously  impoverished  areas.  All  of  these
                efforts enabled areas that were lifted out of poverty to accelerate development and
                keep raising the incomes of local residents.

                     3. We deepened reform of key areas and crucial links to energize the market and
                stimulate social creativity.
                     We continued reforms to develop the socialist market economy and struck a
                proper balance between the government and the market. This enabled the market
                to play a decisive role in resource allocation and the government to better play its

                role, thus promoting both an efficient market and an effective government.
                     Our drive to transform government functions continued.
                     We  completed  institutional  reform  of  both  the  State  Council  and  local
                governments. We accelerated efforts to build a unified national market, developed

                a  high-standard  market  system,  and  worked  to  create  a  market-oriented  and
                law-based business environment in keeping with international standards.
                     Great  truths  are  always  simple,  and  simple  government  administration  is
                always most effective. We made consistent efforts to promote reforms despite the
                fact that they affected the interests of government itself.

                     We  kept  working  to  streamline  government  administration  and  delegate
                power. We broadened market access with full implementation of the negative list
                system. Since the introduction of this system, the negative list has been shortened

                by 64 percent, and the practice of list-based management has been applied to all
                items requiring government approval.
                     Over the years, we have cancelled or delegated to lower-level authorities the
                power of administrative approval for over 1,000 items and slashed the number of
                investment items subject to central government approval by over 90 percent. The

                number of industrial production permit categories has been reduced from 60 to 10,
                and the approval time for construction projects has been cut to no more than 120
                working days.

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