P. 9

Since Covid-19 struck more than three years ago, the CPC Central Committee
                with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has placed the people and their lives above all

                     It has boosted supplies of medical resources and materials, made every effort
                to ensure treatment for all patients, effectively safeguarded our people’s health and
                safety,  and  improved  and  adjusted  response  policies  and  measures  in  light  of

                changing conditions. The Chinese people have pulled through with fortitude and
                resilience and secured a major and decisive victory in the fight against Covid-19.
                     Throughout  this  truly  remarkable  endeavor,  all  localities,  departments,  and
                organizations  have  made  tremendous  efforts,  people  in  various  sectors  have

                worked  together  to  get  through  tough  times,  and  all  medical  personnel  have
                remained  fearless  in  the  face  of  adversity.  Most  notably,  our  people  in  their
                hundreds of millions have prevailed over many difficulties and challenges, made
                great  sacrifices,  and  played  their  due  part.  It  has  not  been  an  easy  journey  for
                anyone, but together we  have overcome the huge  challenge  of Covid-19.  As the

                pandemic is not yet over, we must keep working to consolidate our achievements
                in both Covid-19 response and economic and social development.

                Fellow Deputies,

                     Over the past five years, we have fully implemented the decisions and plans of
                the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. The highlights of
                our work are as follows:
                     1. We developed new ways of conducting macro regulation to keep the economy
                operating within an appropriate range.

                     In  response  to  a  succession  of  grave  challenges,  including  mounting
                protectionism and the Covid-19 pandemic, we adopted new ways of conducting
                macro regulation and avoided overreliance on investment as a means of achieving

                economic  growth.  We  employed  a  wide  range  of  policies  including  fiscal  and
                monetary  policies,  made  them  more  targeted  and  effective,  and  responded  to
                market changes directly. We stayed focused on helping market entities overcome
                difficulties  and  grow  and  thus  kept  employment  stable  and  ensured  people’s

                     We adopted a holistic approach to achieving the projected development targets
                for  each  year  and  stepped  up  range-based,  targeted,  well-timed,  and  precision
                regulation.  We  took  decisive  measures  to  step  up  macro  policy  support  while

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