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living needs.
                     We  assisted  foreign  trade  enterprises  in  tackling  difficulties  relating  to  raw

                materials,  labor,  and  logistics,  improved  loading,  unloading  and  transport
                efficiency  in  ports,  and  responded  promptly  to  the  concerns  of  foreign-funded
                enterprises  and  helped  resolve  their  problems.  The  volume  of  trade  in  goods
                exceeded expectations, and utilized foreign investment increased steadily.

                     In response to significant employment pressure, we boosted policy support to
                stabilize and increase employment. Last year, the surveyed urban unemployment
                rate saw a notable increase for some time. Therefore, we put a stronger emphasis
                on  ensuring  stable  employment  when  implementing  fiscal,  tax,  financial,  and

                investment policies. We postponed the payment of social insurance premiums by
                enterprises  in  distressed  sectors,  significantly  increased  the  proportion  of
                unemployment  insurance  funds  returned  to  enterprises  to  keep  payrolls  stable,
                and  raised  subsidies  for  stabilizing  and  increasing  employment.  To  support
                business startups, we implemented policies on guaranteed loans and on reducing

                or waiving the rent for state-owned premises.
                     We  made  college  graduates  employment  a  priority  and  provided  targeted
                assistance to people who had difficulty finding employment. Work-relief programs
                in major projects were expanded. More than 32 million people were lifted out of

                poverty  with  new  employment,  maintaining  a  steady  increase.  Thanks  to  these
                efforts, overall employment remained stable.
                     In the face of a global surge in inflation, we strived to ensure market supply
                and stable prices, particularly those of food and energy. Last year, global inflation

                rocketed to a 40-year high, exerting great pressure on domestic price stability.
                     We  responded  effectively  to  major  natural  disasters  such  as  floods  and
                droughts. To see that no time was lost during the planting and harvest seasons, we
                worked to ensure unrestricted movement of agricultural machines on public roads

                and saw that farming was free from disruptions.
                     We issued agricultural supply subsidies to grain growers in three installments.
                All  this  helped  ensure  good  grain  harvests  and  stable  supplies  of  major
                agricultural products.
                     We leveraged the role of coal as a major source of energy, increased advanced

                coal  production  capacity  and  stepped  up  support  for  power  plants  and
                heat-supply  enterprises  to  ensure  energy  supplies.  Despite  high  global  inflation,
                we  have  kept  overall  prices  at  a  comparatively  low  level,  which  is  truly

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