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new pattern of development. We further promoted supply-side structural reform
and reforms to streamline government administration, delegate power, improve
regulation, and upgrade services. Thanks to these endeavors, a notable
improvement has been made in the business environment.
Joint efforts to advance the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) made solid headway.
China played its part for the entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive
Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement, which has created the world’s largest
free trade zone. China’s total volume of trade in goods exceeded 40 trillion yuan,
registering an annual growth rate of 8.6 percent. It has thus been the top global
trader for many years running. China is now both a major destination for foreign
investment and a leading global outbound investor.
-The quality of the eco-environment improved significantly.
Energy consumption per unit of GDP dropped by 8.1 percent, and carbon
dioxide emissions fell by 14.1 percent. In cities at and above the prefecture level,
the average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) dropped by 27.5
percent and the number of days with heavy air pollution fell by over 50 percent.
The proportion of surface water bodies of good quality increased from 67.9 percent
to 87.9 percent.
China’s first five national parks were established, and over 9,000 nature
reserves spanning all categories and levels were established. We have made
significant strides in building a Beautiful China.
-Living standards rose steadily.
Personal income grew generally in step with economic growth, with national
per capita disposable income increasing by 5.1 percent annually. The CPI rose at an
annual rate of 2.1 percent. The average length of schooling for new entrants to the
workforce rose from 13.5 years to 14 years. Basic old-age insurance now covers 1.05
billion people, an increase of 140 million over the past five years. Basic medical
insurance saw steady improvement. Over the past decade, we have rebuilt more
than 42 million housing units in run-down urban areas, and over 100 million
people have moved into new apartments.
After many years of meticulous preparation, we successfully presented the
world with streamlined, safe, and splendid 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic
Games, which made a major contribution to boosting the popularity of winter
sports in China and to promoting the Olympic movement as well as solidarity and
friendship among the peoples of all countries.