P. 17

To increase China’s strength in strategic science and technology, we launched a
                number  of  major  sci-tech  innovation  projects  and  stepped  up  efforts  to  secure

                breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields.
                     We  gave  full  play  to  the  role  of  higher  education  institutions  and  research
                institutes  and  supported  the  development  of  new  types  of  R&D  institutions.
                Further  strides  were  made  in  building  international  and  regional  centers  for

                scientific and technological innovation and comprehensive national science centers.
                We  provided  support  for  basic  research  and  applied  basic  research,  with  our
                country’s spending on basic research doubling over the past five years.
                     The systems for research projects and funding management were reformed to

                grant  greater  autonomy  to  research  institutions  and  researchers  and  relieve
                researchers of numerous administrative chores.
                     Intellectual property rights protection was bolstered to encourage innovation.
                International science and technology exchanges and cooperation were promoted.
                     We leveraged market-based mechanisms to encourage enterprise innovations.

                The  additional  tax  deduction  for  R&D  expenses  was  progressively  increased,
                particularly  for  manufacturing  enterprises  and  small  and  medium  sci-tech
                enterprises, with coverage rising from 50 percent and 75 percent, respectively, to
                100  percent  for  both.  This  policy  was  extended  to  cover  all  eligible  sectors  on  a

                temporary basis. All this provided policy support to enterprises for carrying out
                basic research and purchasing equipment. In total,  annual innovation tax breaks
                and incentives exceeded one trillion yuan.
                     We  also  developed  financial  policy  instruments  to  facilitate  innovation  and

                guided the development of venture capital. Thanks to these efforts, R&D spending
                by  enterprises  has  maintained  double-digit  growth,  and  a  large  number  of
                innovative enterprises have emerged.
                     Industries  were  encouraged  to  develop  toward  the  medium-  and  high-end.

                Priority was given to manufacturing in the development of the real economy, and
                the  stable  performance  of  the  industrial  sector  was  ensured.  The  share  of
                manufacturing in the economy was kept largely stable.
                     Laws,  regulations,  and  standards  on  environmental  protection,  quality,  and
                safety  were  strictly  implemented,  and  outdated  production  facilities  were  shut

                down. We worked to shore up weak links in the industrial and supply chains of
                key  industries.  A  number  of  industrial  foundation  reengineering  projects  were

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