P. 11

model of development as well as our philosophy of governance.
                     We  improved  and  expanded  our  platforms,  channels,  and  areas  for  external
                exchanges.  We  established  the  Sino-African  friendship  group,  hosted  a  series  of

                “Experience  CPPCC”  events  for  foreign  diplomatic  envoys  and  international
                students in China, and held a symposium on united front organizations in socialist

                countries. We provided support for the China Economic and Social Council and
                the China Committee on Religion and Peace to increase international exchanges.
                     Carrying forward our fighting spirit, we issued stern statements in response to

                the concoction of bills related to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Xinjiang in the US and
                Europe and to former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s provocative visit to the

                Taiwan region of China, resolutely defending our country’s sovereignty, security,
                and development interests.

                     6. Promoting innovation in our  work to better perform  our  duties  and improve our

                     We continued to carry forward fine traditions while breaking new ground and
                raised our overall level of performance by improving our regular work.
                     We  attached  great  importance  to  harnessing  the  internet  and  information

                technology  to  carry  out  our  duties.  We  held  online  deliberations  and
                teleconsultations and conducted video-based research. A mobile working platform

                was  established,  on  which  144  consultative  groups  were  set  up  and  over  91,000
                messages  were  posted  by  our  members.  In  total,  92.2  percent  of proposals  were

                submitted online. This has paved the way for more extensive participation among
                members and greater efficiency in the performance of duties.

                     We intensified efforts to improve  the quality of proposals and the way they
                were  processed,  updated  the  system  for  consultation  on  the  processing  of
                proposals as well as for oversight of the processing of key proposals, and selected

                for commendation 100 of the most impactful proposals over the past 70 years of the
                CPPCC. In the past five years, a total of 29,323 proposals were submitted, 23,818 of

                which were accepted and filed, with 99.8 percent of accepted proposals receiving a
                formal response or reply.

                     We  made  sure  the  channels  for  communicating  social  conditions  and  public
                sentiment remained open and unimpeded and served as a support to Party and

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