P. 15

consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms,
                follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership;
                increase our confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with

                Chinese  characteristics;  and  uphold  both  General  Secretary  Xi  Jinping’s  core
                position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the CPC

                Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership.
                     We need to continuously improve the organizational systems, institutions, and
                mechanisms through which the CPC exercises leadership over CPPCC work, so as

                to enable the CPPCC to better fulfill its major roles of strengthening and upholding
                Party leadership over all areas of work, of applying the Party’s latest theories to

                unite, educate, and guide public figures from all ethnic groups and social sectors,
                and of resolving problems and building consensus based on a shared theoretical

                and  political  foundation.  With  these  efforts,  we  will  ensure  the  CPC’s  overall
                leadership over CPPCC work.

                     2. Correctly understanding the nature and position of the CPPCC
                     This  is  both  a  prerequisite  for  the  CPPCC  to  maintain  the  correct  political
                orientation and the basis upon which it will perform its role more effectively. The

                CPPCC  is  an  organization  of  the  united  front,  an  institution  for  multiparty
                cooperation  and  political  consultation,  and  an  important  means  of  practicing

                whole-process  people’s  democracy.  As  such,  it  is  a  key  channel  for  socialist
                consultative democracy and a specialized consultative institution.

                     Consultation is a defining feature of the CPPCC system. It is from consultation
                that  its  unique  strengths  originate.  Consultation  is  the  principle  underpinning

                CPPCC  work  and  the  basic  way  it  operates.  It  is  through  consultation  that  we
                promote  extensive  unity,  advance  multiparty  cooperation,  and  practice  people’s
                democracy.  The  CPPCC  is,  by  nature  and  role,  an  institution  dedicated  to

                consultation.  Such  a  definition  reflects  the  new  significance  invested  in  the
                CPPCC’s position and functions in the new era.

                     The  CPPCC  is  not  the  principal  entity  in  consultation;  it  serves  as  an
                institutional  consultative  platform  for  promoting  democracy,  unity,  and

                cooperation and for engaging people in the deliberation of state affairs. We must
                ensure  effective  operation  of  consultation  systems,  so  that  the  opinions  and

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